Wednesday 20 April 2016

animation art

below is the animation art displaying the skeleton of my model and how it will be moving in some of the animations from stand still (1) to landing (4), this is showing how the limbs move in each section this is displayed by the arrows.

1) this is the standard stand with no changes to its joints name is labeled on one part each to show what the joints represent.

2)this is how the character is now moving his arm to wave slightly and raising his leg slowly in a lifting motion leaving the modly on one leg having him balance.

3) here the character is mid air and in rotation doing a flip in the air while holding him self in a ball this would lead to (4) for the landing showing his feet holding him on the tips and with one hand holding as well as the other arm is in the air.

here is the link to talking about concept art.;postID=4158571927582417091;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=5;src=postname

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