Wednesday 13 April 2016



when animating my robot i had to place a skelinton in the body useing the joint tool slowly naming each part to know my self what it would move and effect this took time knowing i had to do multiple joints in some areas useing three to four in the fingers alone, and then have it all attach to the source root that would select it all, this was just above my hip joint.

once the selection was complete i started animation using the rotation tool to move each lib in a viable manner to hopeful be seen properly, a alternative would have been to IK it all then weight each area on the model but due to time restrictions i has to just select each area and rotate and save each point in animation.

after the saving of this i recorded a short clip of the animation showing the charecter slightly bow to the viewer.

below is the animation for my weapon showing the bolt move forward and then back this could be used for reloading or showing the round has fired and in some cases both.

after seeing my animation in completion i have got to a point i would say is ok with the animation showing my character bow and flip in the air (this video should be below) this took some time and could be improved with how the flips starts and finish's so you can see the flips that bit better with how fast it moves its a little hard to see but i like i how i created the landing for this animation with what inspired it its completely different since that was a animation of a robot doing a forward roll to fire a shoulder cannon, this would be more alike if i involves a in-progress weapon but since that is not possible then im quite happy with the animation, even with the ways i could improve it.

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