Friday 10 October 2014

what would I do for pre-production for Wayne's maze game?

Since this is a in collage project I will not be using a budget but if I were I would round it to £500 too pay for the photo shop for the creation of the sprites and to make the backgrounds for the game this alone (Photoshop) costs £499 for a hard copy disk, then I would download game maker for free to make my simple 2d game , so once I have got both needed bits of software it will take me a good amount of time to make each sprite where I would make multiple versions of each sprite and make a range of concepts of the sprites to finalize them and put them in the game, I would judge that it would take my up too 2 weeks to create all my sprites and my backgrounds should be ready to put together.

Finance- for the money situation im paying £190.55/yr for photo shop on a subscription according to the adobi siteand to get a full games maker its about $99.99 so it would cost in pounds £61.77 and a decent computer to run this would cost about £1200 ,if I was given a bugget I would need round £2000+ to gather all the software and gear for my computer.

Time- in theory I believe at the moment I would need about 4 weeks to make all the sprite and backgrounds and put them in to objects and put them in the sound would take me about a week extra maybe because of my inexperience in using sound creation software.

Personal- if i was doing this in a big project i would require multiple people but in this area the personal will be me alone doing the design coding and creating where in a big project i would have many coders and programmers and modellers like in borderlands.

Facilities-as mentioned before i would need software like Photoshop , games maker, and maybe paint for some sprites to then be edited, i believe i would also need a 2d animating software to make my sprites look like they are moving.

Materials-i don’t know what real materials i would need other than computer , and a musical instrument help with sound effects in the digital realm though i would have my sprites to make (player ,mobs walls ect.) backgrounds and such.

Contributors-in reality i won’t really have any contributors but myself , but in the teams of having a big project i would need modelers, programmers, designers, and more to work on a big project , but like i said here i will be mostly working alone.

Locations-i don’t believe that i myself will be taking things from real locations to put in my game i will mostly be putting if anything , locations from fictional places in my game because it is not meant to be realistic.

Codes of practice and regulation-i will follow the codes and regulation like with every game for i do not want problems with this games like age ratings and such if i believe it good enough to release to the general public.if creating this game i would have to go through asa to be able to tell if my adds were suitable for the age range,then through pegi to have it rated for age of which i think my maze game would be a pegi 7 game. url to the price of professional game maker. url to Photoshop yearly payed sub.

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