Wednesday 29 October 2014

unit 78
Identify finance available
I have round about £2000 available to continue on my work to make my game and this effects my products avaliable and helps me with the creation of my game.
Identify personnel needed and whether they 
are available
I will not need personal for this for i shell be working alone other wise I would need a programmer concept artist and a lead moddler to help me in the creation of my game and complete it smoothly.

Identify resources available and book where necessary
resources that are available are game maker adobe Photoshop and paint plus more and we have a full video library we can use and book resources in the library.

Prepare budget
if i had a crew i would split the budget between the team and the resources we need like in contracts i would place cost's., this also involves 
Contract personnel
I will have no contracted personal in this job for I will be doing alll the work my self where is i was i would be hiring concept artists and programmers and texture artists to help in the making of my game.
Prepare schedule

Identify any Health and Safety concerns
health ans safety will include making sure the team is fit and healthy meaning good meals around and also that they are in shape so they do not get strains and impairments and also that they are sat right at the computers and that they are in a good rate in the operation.
Identify legal aspects
the leagel aspects will be keeping to our bound contracts and out briefs so we do not fall behind and to make sure all prgi ratings are looked at and seen for the game made and we meet out set path
Identify any other risks to your project
other problems mat link to things like dedlines not being meet and projects falling behind and the project loseing funding alll the risks of these problems will be looked in to so if it dose happen we have a plan on how to cope with it 

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