Wednesday 29 October 2014

unit 78
Identify finance available
I have round about £2000 available to continue on my work to make my game and this effects my products avaliable and helps me with the creation of my game.
Identify personnel needed and whether they 
are available
I will not need personal for this for i shell be working alone other wise I would need a programmer concept artist and a lead moddler to help me in the creation of my game and complete it smoothly.

Identify resources available and book where necessary
resources that are available are game maker adobe Photoshop and paint plus more and we have a full video library we can use and book resources in the library.

Prepare budget
if i had a crew i would split the budget between the team and the resources we need like in contracts i would place cost's., this also involves 
Contract personnel
I will have no contracted personal in this job for I will be doing alll the work my self where is i was i would be hiring concept artists and programmers and texture artists to help in the making of my game.
Prepare schedule

Identify any Health and Safety concerns
health ans safety will include making sure the team is fit and healthy meaning good meals around and also that they are in shape so they do not get strains and impairments and also that they are sat right at the computers and that they are in a good rate in the operation.
Identify legal aspects
the leagel aspects will be keeping to our bound contracts and out briefs so we do not fall behind and to make sure all prgi ratings are looked at and seen for the game made and we meet out set path
Identify any other risks to your project
other problems mat link to things like dedlines not being meet and projects falling behind and the project loseing funding alll the risks of these problems will be looked in to so if it dose happen we have a plan on how to cope with it 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Unit 78 digital graphics for computer games

Artistic styles-This is the style of the game like if its cartoony or over exaggerated in the art work and character design this is a very important part of a game because for some this can make or brake the game.

For example:
The style of cartoony is showing the art a little over the top and colorful in its look may being still having a black line over a character model with it being brightly colored. and in games with this style I find it typical for the characters to be over the top with power.

A example of a military style game is call of duty where your seeing military figure and its based around the aspect of being a trooper in a warzone fighting, this likes to focuse on weaponry and transports in the art design.

This is a style  involving uses shapes and bright colors to make the player feel what they want to feel this is done well in games like geometry wars where it uses dark and light colored shapes and form to symbolize a war.
Computer game graphics-

Pixel-A pixel is a point, filled with a primary color and then multiple are out together to create a image with multiple colors in it.The typical resolution for a computer monitor would have 72 PPI (pixels per inch and printed images usally have around 300 PPI dependant on the size of the print. 
 In game design the resolution and pixel density is import depending on what devices (PC or consoles or handheld's) the game is going to be played on. 

Type of digital graphics-Two examples of  graphics are 2D and 3D the differences being a 2D game is normally a side scorller of a flat image normally pixelated and not many pixels being used in the process 2D games can sometimes have a slightly 3D back ground to make the game look better and more appealing to the player.A 3D games uses many pixels in the development thanks to its high Polly modules for the area and the character's 3D is what nearly all the games of this era are now making the games more realistic and more immersion is created in the way they are played.

File extensions- Unity imports all popular image file formats. Here are some of the most popular ones, and their benefits/drawbacks.
PNG: is a large file sizes, but maximum quality. PNG32 allocates 32 bytes per pixel, and saves images with the best quality. I recommend this file format over all others, but it's personal preference, really. PNG supports transparency, but you need to ensure that the "Matte" in some programs is set to "Transparent", otherwise your transparent image will be saved with a white background, and your transparency will be lost.
JPG/JPEG:the JPG file format, as it automatically includes compression that can ruin the quality of your texture. If you are using JPG, be sure to set the "quality" level to 100, or the max, this way, no compression is done on the image, and you retain the high quality. Anything lower than 100% quality, you will start to see a huge loss of quality.

Other examples of file extension:

mp3 music files

avi video files

txt text files

doc word document (Microsoft word-open office )

jpeg image/picture files
exe executable (programs)
wav sound files (sound effects)

Compression-Image compression may be lossy or lossless. Lossless compression is preferred for archival purposes and often for medical imaging, technical drawings, clip art, or comics. Lossy compression methods, especially when used at low bit rates, introduce compression artifacts.

Image capture-Image capture is done through things like taking a photo of some real elements to process to go into a game or to take a screen shot.

Optimising- Image optimization is when an image is compressed to the most visually acceptable, image for saving memory.The power of two is when the width and height of a image is at the same value.These values are import to make sure when 3D MODELING textures fit and render properly. When the size of a texture is stretched to fit a model by the program this is called interpolation. collected some information on png here info for compression on this link

comparing 2D and 3D games.

3D Games


Now how do i put destiny , firstly to me it art design gives it a slightly serious and more realistic look it gives you that feel and look that you start to feel like you are there as the player and you can sometimes lose sight of reality and really feel like you are there in the game others may disagree but this is my view and experience,the music in some points doesn't really fit in my view it doesn't give you the feel your on mars when you get there , you start to feel out of place because of it sometimes because of it , with the other sound features like with the warp sound and the shoot sounds and ship flying this is where they excelled in the sound they seemed to have put more effort in to these and to me that was a really good thing as i want to feel like its really there like your really firing some sort of a weapon no just some 3D creation and the ship has that low but satisfying sound of you tearing through the air going the speed of sound, then the ships warp this one was ok its gave you the feel it opened in front of you but inside it was a mixed sound i couldn't tell but we don't know how warp sounds so it could have been spot on or well off we will just have to find out in the future , the animation i think worked its part but it was really repeated in the weapons they were not unique they were all the same in a blur to me the movement from first person was really smooth and it was juat as smooth looking when you watched another player using ability's and running and warp jumping looked amazing you saw the blur movement as they traveled, the weapons art was the same in some places but the armor had a lot wide range in its look in each stage of armor so at my level on the game i have a really cool look that I don't want to get rid of and i bonded with the player through the look making it more me and adding to my Emerson. this games uses millions anpon billions of pixels in the art design with the constant changeing shadows and light and dark shading on the character models and the weapon models.

 Star wars the old republic (SWTOR)

 SWTOR is a massive multiplier online game, in this games you create a character and chose one of eight class's in the creation menu you change how your character looks too fit your personality with multiple hair styles and body sizes and scars etc this alone has millions of pixels getting used in this cartoon like style and then on the changing and texture the the body's and this only increases and you enter the in game world where you can have hundreds of players on screen at once and they all have their own differences and you can see all the details, in comparison to a 2D games the difference is massive in scale from the high Polly models in swtor to the detail on a buildings , a 2D game cant compair to it in its way.

2D Games

Risk of rain 

Risk of rain is a side scrolling platformer that you chose a character to platy and you then fight mods on each level finding new characters and items to play with in that game. This game the pixels are shown to make it more fun to play but they are really still using quite a lot of detail on the characters the graphics are fairly basic in design with the characters being pixelated but the back ground is fairly 3D in design, the art style to this game is from how I see it fairly cartoony in design it isn't meant to be realistic giving it that fun and joyful feeling in the playing of the characters and fighting the mobs.

Friday 10 October 2014

what would I do for pre-production for Wayne's maze game?

Since this is a in collage project I will not be using a budget but if I were I would round it to £500 too pay for the photo shop for the creation of the sprites and to make the backgrounds for the game this alone (Photoshop) costs £499 for a hard copy disk, then I would download game maker for free to make my simple 2d game , so once I have got both needed bits of software it will take me a good amount of time to make each sprite where I would make multiple versions of each sprite and make a range of concepts of the sprites to finalize them and put them in the game, I would judge that it would take my up too 2 weeks to create all my sprites and my backgrounds should be ready to put together.

Finance- for the money situation im paying £190.55/yr for photo shop on a subscription according to the adobi siteand to get a full games maker its about $99.99 so it would cost in pounds £61.77 and a decent computer to run this would cost about £1200 ,if I was given a bugget I would need round £2000+ to gather all the software and gear for my computer.

Time- in theory I believe at the moment I would need about 4 weeks to make all the sprite and backgrounds and put them in to objects and put them in the sound would take me about a week extra maybe because of my inexperience in using sound creation software.

Personal- if i was doing this in a big project i would require multiple people but in this area the personal will be me alone doing the design coding and creating where in a big project i would have many coders and programmers and modellers like in borderlands.

Facilities-as mentioned before i would need software like Photoshop , games maker, and maybe paint for some sprites to then be edited, i believe i would also need a 2d animating software to make my sprites look like they are moving.

Materials-i don’t know what real materials i would need other than computer , and a musical instrument help with sound effects in the digital realm though i would have my sprites to make (player ,mobs walls ect.) backgrounds and such.

Contributors-in reality i won’t really have any contributors but myself , but in the teams of having a big project i would need modelers, programmers, designers, and more to work on a big project , but like i said here i will be mostly working alone.

Locations-i don’t believe that i myself will be taking things from real locations to put in my game i will mostly be putting if anything , locations from fictional places in my game because it is not meant to be realistic.

Codes of practice and regulation-i will follow the codes and regulation like with every game for i do not want problems with this games like age ratings and such if i believe it good enough to release to the general public.if creating this game i would have to go through asa to be able to tell if my adds were suitable for the age range,then through pegi to have it rated for age of which i think my maze game would be a pegi 7 game. url to the price of professional game maker. url to Photoshop yearly payed sub.

Thursday 9 October 2014

floor layout drafts

this ia the basic sketches of my levels /rooms the arrows represent movement and is colored to red=mob green=player and blue =exit, the 'T' shapes are the targets before the exit and some walls have two lines to represent a fading wall.
room 1 draft
room 2 draft
room 3 draft

room 4 draft

room 5 draft

visual style of games


what's is a visual style of games.

A visual style in games is what it looks like in basic , for example borderlands visual style is cartoony where it looks really un realistic but has a really good feel to it where in another game like maybe destiny its style is more realistic and futuristic with its style and it makes you feel you could see that time coming and it may happen but the style also gives the vibe of its more of a suggestion of a possibility of what could happen.
some games may have different genres but will have the same visual style because this style dose not effect the genre, this is the look of the games the genre is what type of game it is,
for a example of the similarity's in some games there is swtor and wow both are cartoony but one is set in the star wars universe and the other in a fantasy realm.


the style of cartoony is showing the art a little over the top and colorful in its look may being still having a black line over a character model with it being brightly colored. and in games with this style I find it typical for the characters to be over the top with power.



a example of a military style game is call of duty where your seeing military figure and its based around the aspect of being a trooper in a warzone fighting, this likes to focuse on weaponry and transports in the art design.

this is a style  involving uses shapes and bright colors to make the player feel what they want to feel this is done well in games like geometry wars where it uses dark and light colored shapes and form to symbolize a war.

realism is where the creators make it look as close to real life as possible to the point in a photo you will find it hard to tell the difference between the two at a first glance, a game that uses this are games like gta or call of duty where you play as characters in a 'realistic situation

black and white

a good example for a black and white game id limbo where you are in a game abusing black and white making a good set and have good story with it making it work more for the player and making them picture a little what this would look like if they were there.