Tuesday 10 March 2015

music for platformer.
for the platformer is would be a 2d retro game in style , this would be based on the main charecter trying to reclaim his ship but every-time he dies a new crew member will have to take be hired to collect gold and try and survive in the ship as long as possible , the gold can be spent on a building outside the ship , all gold /coins are lost at the re-entry.the ship is cured and will trap you inside on entry, once you die the spirit hires a new worker to take the ship.

entering the ship:on entry of the ship you will hear a short demonic laugh and the thud of a mettle door closing with a heavy crash and a sudden inhale.
this will; be used to give the play the feeling they are trapped and to regret their decision of entering, this will need a medium sound capture rate because its meant to be done over time for a entrance, this will require maybe for creation 8GB of ram for this simple entrance,

upgrading the building:the sound for this will be the sound of dropping multiple coin's on the floor and then a sigh at the end of it to show your character doesn't even want to give up the money.

weapon/gun attacking sound: this will be man made sounds from live recording,this will then be edited on a recording soft were to make it unrecognisable as a sound made by someone.

fists sound:this will be a sound of someone making a sound as they punch to symbolising punching.

step sound:this will be real steps made heavy to show the character is heavy footed also to add a little more of a creepy vibe.

sword sound:this will be a sound created by swinging bamboo in-front of a mic for a quick swinging action and for contact sharpening a knife.

death sound:the death tune will be made by a thud maybe by leather making contact with a hard surface and that would make the feeling of hitting the floor more hight then a slow exhale would be used to make his/her last breath.

background music: i want the background to be based on a si-fi theme and for it to be linked to how the ship is layed out but maybe have have a feeling of tense-tune with sudden bursts of speed in the music to maybe make the player believe they could be followed or that they need to run.as the track plays i will add slight humming to make it seem there could be others there but you will never see who is humming,

outside background music:with this i want a western atmosphere to it so that the player can feel cosy  and a little lonely knowing they are the only hero there to do anything, this atmosphere would change is outside too long where it would become dark and the music would come out and become more spooky and horrifying  to make you want to move on.

all of the sound's will be done in mp3 because this will be designed for a mobile device or a small indie game for pc, some of the sounds like the exhaling and humming will need a studio or a very quiet area to record and pick up the sound,the other sounds may be taken and edited or will be able to be louder then background noise.

How will you monitor what you have recorded?i will monitor the is by firstly test recording the product see the levels then do the real recording and and then place  in in a file and give it a unique name. vu meter ,replay,time,audio log sheet

How will you monitor recording levels?

sound requirements for real use.
bamboo(or a long hollow wooden stick rounded)- to creat a good swinging sound for the swinging of the sword.

the use of a studio or quiet room- this will be for the voices and the entrance inhale and death exhale.

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