Monday 29 September 2014

Unit 1 Pre-Production

pre-production is used in things like film, television, advertising, game development, internet, radio and the press. preproduction is highly used in these areas mentioned and all used the same main activities like the cost and time used and available.

in production for games you have to look at the money the cost you are given a set amount of money in each area of the production this is given in sections the designers will be given a fairly large amount of money to do one section and they will be given a set date for the review called the deadline once this deadline is meet the investors and contributors look into what they are putting their money into in each area they decide if the given products are up to their scratch and then continue to the next step like maybe they would ask for the scripts and story made then the concept art to be each of the areas they require the personal to do the job so this takes time to gather the people to work on the project and then start their own job in the project so this time for both gathering and the creation is set by the investors and the contributors, the contributors could very from people investing in the project of the voice actors and other fetchers used in games development like sound and as I have said the voice them selves.

finance-the finance is judged by the idea and creativity of the draft and how much and how big the game may be , finance is the money used in the product.A good financial plan when in pre-production is very important as it could be a problem in the development of your project.In order to make this somewhat easier, you should plan out and think of what your funds will be needed for.for example of the funding in total for the biggest game of 2014 GTAV was £170 million but this game made a profit of £1 billion in the first 3 days . you should think out what your money will be needed to pay for in the project for example software, the pay for designers and artists etc.
 the personal use of funds would involve the pay and insurance on the personal .
the finance may effect the time available for making a game you could be given a set amount of money and a short period of time to work with it to get a game out fast.
time constraints-this is the dead line for the first drafts and the final drafts of the product this can also involve the management of time over the project. you should think out what your money will be needed to pay for in the project for example software, the pay for designers and artists etc. this is very important and can involve an array of things that will have a big part in the development of your project. It is also not specific to the development of games. Time can include things like; deadlines, scheduling  and milestones. these can be to insure the game or other project is going at a steady pace and not falling behind.
personnel-personnel is the amount of the people in the team/involved in the full production and are payed for their ideas for the final product.The video game industry requires many different hired personnel to make up a game design team. within the pre production stages of a game design aswell The size of the team can be something to take into consideration.Stability between each working member of the design team such as art designers, programmers and lead designers will all have to manage their time for production stages in the pre production stages. Some roles in the personal would be lead designer , programmers, 3D modelers, animators , ect.  

facilities-the facilities are the soft wear and equipment you have to make the game and also the area you have this effects your work rate and also speed.Within the pre production stages of designing a video game, the company or team need to check they have the correct software and equipment before furthering into production stages. a company was designing a 3D game that would have realistic visuals and top end graphics, then the company needs to ensure they have the availability to a 3D engine, 3D modelling programme and 3D animation software.

materials-The materials are for what I believe to be the ideas and the materials used for the concept art before the modeling and creation of the game. in a pre  production stage there is a clear difference between physical and digital content. When designing a game the physical components can be anything such as archive material, objects which can be realistically replicated within the game for example actors, existing objects such as drink cans and guns.
contributors-contributors can verity to being the people paying for the product to the people actually designing making and testing it during the creation and after. sections of personnel such as directors, artist and programmers.Having specific mini teams within a whole team helps personnel and external contributors such as specialists, distinguish jobs and deadlines in the pre production stages.

locations-the location can be in a big area like the building EA has for their studio to a place as small as a basement the location depends on the amount of people on the project.the location of where the media product will be set, such as production studios, offices and sets. This will differ depending on the kind of media product. For a film production there will be many locations and filming rights on outdoor sets  would have have to be considered. Also editing studios, visual art and sets would all have to be accounted for.

  codes of practice and regulation-these are the rules , code and regulations you have to work around the whole time while making a game or any milt media product , the rules can involve copyright , if your found for copying another developers content this can lead to a straight out fine losing you money and valuable time in production a example of this is 'flappy bird' in this game they good took down for the pipes on their game linking to the pipes on Mario ,this game was taken off the market and bought back at a later date. this also involves a health and safety check being required and to be insured for any accidents  with equipment or the other people working on the set.
PEGI or pen European game information  is a video game content rating system for customers , so when they are looking to get a new game a rating is there for age to inform that children may not be able to play the game or it may be mature.TIGA (The Independent Game Developers Association) is an organisation which promotes game creation within the UK and promotes the industry through the power they have at the British parliament. Also there are things called trade unions that you can play a weekly or monthly subscription to, to have people on your side if you are not payed or are miss treated in a job.
The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. they apply the Advertising Codes, which are written by the Committees of Advertising Practice. their work includes acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements.

information on the development on a personal game.

the main pre production in a personal game is all done by you this will not require the contracts and finance and such needed in the mainstream production where they need to contract each person involved in the creation where in the personal develop meant this isn't really needed unless your using someone's appearance a example of a once personal game was a mod for arma 2 called dayz this game was later too on by a bigger company and the mainstream methods were used ill look more in to how it was later developed as a full game when I am on mainstream development 

the image above is of dayz when it was still in its mod format before this was made by dean hall and later he was contacted and this mod was made into its own stand alone game

mainstream development

in main stream development you need contracts for who is involved and you would find it easier to join a trade union for insurance details and to make life easier in general but with mainstream development you don't have the freedom of personal development you have to maker the contracts and the additional details with the people how's material you are using
'dayz after making it as a full standalone game it sold 1million copies with in four weeks of being released on steam early access.'
'dayz after making it as a full standalone game it sold 1million copies with in four weeks of being released on steam early access.' taken from 'used for what  pegi means ' asa information found here.

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