Wednesday 10 September 2014

Gaming Journal.

Star Wars the old republic (SWTOR) 

SWTOR is a massive multiplier online game (mmo) based around the time of the old republic about 3,500 years before the attack of the clones and the events of the star wars movies ,in this time the republic and the empire are basically in a cold war fighting in the shadows after the treaty of Coruscant set up by the sith empire after the sacking of Coruscant. You can play as multiple classes like bounty hunter , sith worrier , jedi knight and republic trooper these are only 4 of the 8 classes, each class has a spin off class a 'advanced class' for example the imperial agent has the sniper class a full dps unit for damage dealing and the operative where you can build it to be dps or a healing class, each classes story is different and some link to others to give it a bit more depth. SWTOR runs on the hero engine and was developed by BioWare,
it was published by both Lucas arts and electronic arts, it is now a free to play /subscriber game both free to play and subs are treated well for their area in the community.

My personal opinion

I personally play this game quite alot i treat it like most mmos as a pve game but with this one i also liked the pvp and i started rp on this game and found it interesting and fun especially when i hit max level with my main players. For a massive game the developers try their best in my opinion to keep the community happy they may have had to add micro transactions but this dose not ruin the game for me this micro transaction system is only really used to get new gear (this gear has no stats and needs to be modded to have stats so its basically looks to stay with you) and used to get items to go in your player hole ,guild ship or guild stronghold. I have played this game since late beta and have enjoyed it from the very beginning and am still enjoying it the developers are trying to improve a game that to me is amazing and can only get better the pvp has player pvp or starfighter pvp which is amazing especially the starfighter one because it is so big and i haven't seen a mmo implement this to a game before now except maybe swtor's predecessor star wars galaxy's, over all this game is amazing and runs smoothly its a game i don't see myself leaving for good . 
blow is a video of one of the newest things in swtor giving you a look on what it is by a view.

 Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)


Stardrive is a single player strategy game based around you choosing a race to play name them chose their history ,culture and habits and then go on to use them to take over the galaxy by the means of trust or destruction (my preferred choice). in this game you research how to build new ships and buildings and you tax your people ,with the taxing you choose the amount of tax by percentage this effects your peoples research and building capability  if your tax is low it increases their research and building but if you do something like 100% tax they can only provide money and start to rebel against you this can lead to the loss of your worlds and a game over (learnt this the hard way), with the research you have trees you go through that increase different areas like there is a branch where you can increase your food capability and you can have all the research options by the end and use the research to make the other factions fear you or trust you . i mentioned the food branch last but that might not be needed because you can make your people able to eat industrial this can make things faster because you focus one thing but it effect build rate too and can lead to your destruction if not balanced.

personal opinion

With stardrive i found it fun but mostly a game i play when i have no internet or i have family over taking all the internet up at points it is a bit jumpy and the frames drop fast but it has its good points its fun in the creation ,you have your choice in that the ships and planets do and you can bombard planets or rain troops on them , i was mostly won over by the bombarding i love making fleets of capital bombers and watching then burn through planet its very enjoyable but not one of my personal top 10 games. 


Overlord , in this game you play as a dead worrier who died killing the last overlord ,after his body is found by the minions (gremlin like creatures) they revive him as their new overlord to take his revenge on those who left him for dead, this new overlords name is never spoken and he is only addressed by 'Overlord' or 'Master'. The minions are all controlled by the Overlord and there are multiple minions who are colored by what they are able to do for example the 'greens' are the assassin and stealth attackers who are immune to poison and love then smell and looks of lush green jungles. 

Game play

the Game play of Overlord is based around using your minions to fight for you or upgrade your gear and make you more deadly and to mix in your Owen power to kill your enemy's. You are able to place your minions in a flag to make it easier to take down your targets. The game centers around simultaneously controlling  the overlord and a army of minions to traverse the 3D game world and defeat some hero's who killed the old Overlord.

personal opinion

when i was playing overlord i had the sense of control over my minions and what i could do with them it was very enjoyable and was a laugh , the humor in the game was funny to me even in the second play through this game if one of my favorites gives you good story its interesting ,funny and makes you feel powerful but its sequel ill talk about soon i believe let it down this will be explained in that's review, all i can really say for this game is i loved it ill play it till i know all the lines and am able to forge the armor in real life (just if i could).

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