Tuesday 22 March 2016

Unit 71: Object-Oriented Design - Games Year 2 Grp A+B - Assignment 1
This week will start a new Unit and Assignment based around Unreal Blueprints and what you have been doing since the new year.

Link to assignment:Unit 71: Object-Oriented Design for Computer Games Assignment 1
Link to Object-oriented design PowerPoint:
OOD PowerPoint

Assignment help:
How is object-oriented design(OOD) used to enhance the design process within the games industry?

Your explanation must consist of the following concepts and principles:

object-oriented design is the process of planning a system of interacting objects for the purpose of solving a software problem. It is one approach to software design.
 the state and behaviour is basicly, state the creation of a object and then addapting it in size, and look then the behaviour invllves the blueprints inside the object its self.

Re-usability and

you can reuse blueprints for a map, monster scripts(health attack .ect) and hud coding theses are small examples, this can be done by reapplying the select code to the area’s needed, for example you can takes monster script and apply it to a rpg and a fps, this can be done by re-creating the code used for the select area or you could import and transfer it to continue its process this would require minimal adjustment to the old and now reused script after applying to the correct areas.
with efficiency you are able to take contecnt out with its code costomise it and change it then reuse it in diffrent areas of the game or softwear when in use allowing more reusability


bugs: with a bug update you would go back into the objects blueprint file and edits the said broken links like adding a new path or improving a current path.

new content: to add new content you would creat new objects like actors, locations and new enemys, then you create new code/blueprint for each bit of new content.

preformance: this could be updated by making each object low polly or by simplifying wach bit of code in the game to give it less to lode in.

Real-world modelling
real world ood can include 3d printing where you have to create the 3d modles its self and build it up from nothing the send the modle to the main printing area and then code it telling the  printer where it can build up the model with each layer and area allowing it to makes everything in its manner to build up the modle part by part so with the code you would be impotting hight and wipth then modleing you give the design.

Collaboration and sharing
The modelling techniques of OOD provide an interface between creative designers (who can express their requirements without having to know the detail of the code) and programmers (who can use the models to implement the code). Your OOD can be shared with other members of your creative team.
with cillaboration and shearing you can create the lay out for the game in parts like with sprites you designe a charecter with its name jump hight and speed the its behviour then you can send this to another to create this charecter and this can all be broken down, like it is in the games design industry, you can brake it all down to code and to paper and colour this can be sheared as a concept to be build back up.

the objects blueprints linke to others in the game for example a collision box or a
trigger box theses combined with the blueprints ona charecter can help create boundrys or maybe mission triggers so the actor enters the box and then is allowed to do a certain mission in the game.

An example of blueprint communication:https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Blueprints/UserGuide/BlueprintComms/index.html

Quality assurance

to test the game you play it and try to activate each object, testing helth so you know the coding to live or die works or to help you see if each trigger box works with how the game is in the testing you must look in each area to make sure no bugs are lingering like grathical arroes or coding to keep the whole game in line, with user feed back you set a list of tests for someone to submit to and then give back feed back for the game.

Inheritance is the principle of class hierarchy. It is the ability for one object to take on the states, behaviors, and functionality of another object.
for example greating a solid water object then changing its code to make it a liquid sorce so the actors can swin in it and then also lose helth slowly when under its surface too long.

A real-world example of inheritance is genetic inheritance. We all receive genes from both our parents that then define who we are. We share qualities of both our parents, and yet at the same time are different from them.

Objects in OOD can do the same thing. Parent classes can have subclasses which can have the same properties of the parent class, and can define new states, behaviors, and functionality of their own.


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