Wednesday 16 December 2015

models work

model .

stage one the head.
with the head i started with a sphere that i scaled to pull apart, the new forming head, pulling the front and back away from one another crating a large gap to fix this i added loops to it to creat the area to pull on the bottom to create the jar area on the head with helmet , this continues to be formed with scaling rotations and simple movement till it looked like a helmeted head, then then lead to me creating the chin area and then finishing the head to attach to the body later.

stage two the arm.
the arm was created using the cube that i extruded multiple times to create the arms length then used the loop tool to create the fingers and thumb then extruding the fingers multiple times, i created the armed to look like they are in rather block like armour that i would later adapt in its full body form.

stage three the leg.
the leg was created using a cylinder that i made rather tall pulled apart to create the foot and keep rather block and rounded to make its armoured look i then scaled and rotated parts to create its final look.

stage four the torso.
the torso started out as a primitive cylinder and then continues to be scaled in a mass amount and then i extruded areas for the shoulders and this started to form the torso as i keep moveing through i funaly cam out with a rather odd chest.

stage five the combination.
for the combination i imported every part to be in one save and joined them all together having one half of a body i then used the mirror tool and combine the tow half making the full body looking rather deformed i then started to fix its parts to look batter.

stage six the completion.
once it was all attached i adapted the arms to fit the armour look to invite a more gauntlet feel to the lower arms i corrected the chest making it more bulky and thick in its design, this is how it looks.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Unit 44

fallout 4

in fallout 4 the graphics were more realistic than expected the characters looking smooth and looked like they fit their environment no matter how much you customize your player,the standard of the graphical look stayed even on low setting, yet in my personal opioning i so love how good it look on high and ultra, its can sometimes seem scary realy how much the producers put into the look compared to fallout new vegas and fallout 3 where it all seemed slightly blocky and cartoon ish in a real way.
The gameplay was amazing, the combat systems V.A.T.S (vault tec,assisted targeting system) the new V.A.T.S is now slow motion rather than the time stop in fallout 3 and new vegas this makes it more like it should be and makes you think what you will do for each use of this ability, in general with no V.A.T.S it is still amazing , the weapons look beautiful and have amazing handling leading to the fights where it would make you feel you are actually be in combat with the enemies rather than the older fallouts dead looking mobs you now have theses static and evading targets they try to love and kill you making it far more exciting in combat. each weapon can be customized and changed to look different and have new increases with accuracy and other features that can be increased or added like with the gauss rifle can become a high damaging rifle that can instant kill most mobs.

companions, these ai controlled npcs each have their own likes and dislikes leading to how well you get to know them and learn about their life stories, this can lead to new missions or convictions depending on how you act towards your followers,this could lead to them hating you or loving you for example the companion piper loved you to help and do good thing where strong a supermutant companion hates nuce thing meaning if you do what piper likes with him near it could lead to a full on fight with him or her killing you due to their characters being immortal. the companions will each have their own reason to follow you like you being 210 years old in piper's case or they want something from you like strong dose , making it easier to tell what they will want from you this makes the game more enjoyable and exciting.
power armour and more.
the power armor is made realistic in game by having to be powered by fusion cores this makes your scavenging more helpful not to mention how everything you find can be use to make other items and repair your armour and upgrade it as you continue to play the game and level , in doing this you must invest in certain perks that will allow you to do many more things in crafting and upgrading. the power armour has multiple types in the wastes and can all be found and used in combat.
story summery.

in the main storyline you play as a pre-war army veteran who was placed in a cryogenic vault created by vault-tec to take out experiments on the unknowing men women and children, leading to many vaults killing all residence, this vault known as ‘vault 111’ was a test to see how people reacted to cryofreezing in unknown circumstances, once you enter and are frozen after the bombs drop, you wake up at a unknown time point where you watch your son be stolen and your wife or husband be shoot depending on if you're male or female, you are once again frozen and start your search for your child thinking only ten years have passed and only later to find many more years had passed despite all the other reasons to dispute this factor, when you believe you have found your son it turns out he is a synth and your son is really in his sixties you are given the choice to join the institute and join your son, join the brotherhood of steel or other factions you learn about in the campaign, in my case i joined the brotherhood of steel because i will always stick with a military faction, this lead me to the point that i planted a nuclear device in their bases reactor and blow them all to the next universe,  this happens after you help rebuild the brotherhood's greatest weapon a pre war robot called liberty prime who is armed with lasers and nuclear bombs to wipe out your enemies, the end of each story is open ended and ready for more content to continue the game, before blowing the base up you find the synth of your son want to come with you pulling at your heart wanting to keep him or let him die, this also happens with a companion who after you work with him for many missions and grow a bond you are forced to kill him or save him , this can affect you choices and ending and many more scenes in this game can pull at your heart.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

unit 6 prop

The effects of fps (first person shooters) violent games on the ad rage person is widely argued and more than anything demonised and used as a scapegoat, the effect shown by some studies shows there is little more than a dulling of senses when seeing violence, this honestly is not such a bad thing knowing if you see this 'act of violence' and are dulled your likely tithing about what you're doing rayner then overreact.

Other studies show theses games actually improve a person's response and can help grow and develop certain parts of your brain, games like call of duty or halo can help your tracking, this is due to the way you have to keep your aim on your opponent, they also show improvement in multi tasking and other areas , some use games as a scapegoat because children's or you be adults are violent this is untrue, their Villanueva is caused by environment and nothing more, yes games do cause a little spike but nothing more then a short outburst , if your looking at tedious games like flappy birds or something of the sort theses cause more of a violent thought or anger in the person, this doesn't happen in games like halo or cod,when looking at the effect in an overall perspective it's quite good it's helps develope the person rather then what the news says with it being the the cause of Villanueva it's a factor of learning and a great tool to use it should be seen more positively.

Results of our survey.

what gender are you?




what age are you?

11/23/2015 1:55 PM View respondent's answers
11/23/2015 1:49 PM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 3:11 PM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 10:20 AM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 10:00 AM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 3:39 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 3:35 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 3:31 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 1:05 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 11:44 AM View respondent's answers
11/9/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
11/9/2015 1:12 PM View respondent's answers
11/3/2015 4:03 PM View respondent's answers

how many hours do you play games weekly ? (give a decent answer)

11/23/2015 1:55 PM View respondent's answers
11/23/2015 1:49 PM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 3:11 PM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 10:20 AM View respondent's answers
Couple of hours
11/17/2015 10:00 AM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 3:39 PM View respondent's answers
a lightyear+
11/10/2015 3:35 PM View respondent's answers
around 15
11/10/2015 3:31 PM View respondent's answers
Define: Decent prolly ~70
11/10/2015 1:05 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 11:44 AM View respondent's answers
I played 21 hours of Bully this past week.
11/9/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
11/9/2015 1:12 PM View respondent's answers
11/3/2015 4:03 PM View respondent's answers

do you like to play shooter style games or others ?(please say what style if not shooter)

11/23/2015 1:55 PM View respondent's answers
11/23/2015 1:49 PM View respondent's answers
Yes e.g. Bioshock Infinite
11/17/2015 3:11 PM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 10:20 AM View respondent's answers
yh shooter
11/17/2015 10:00 AM View respondent's answers
Sometimes depending on what i'm in the mood to play
11/10/2015 3:39 PM View respondent's answers
i like to play the ones where its on the screen, you know the video ones with the ickle lickle pixels.
11/10/2015 3:35 PM View respondent's answers
yeah i do
11/10/2015 3:31 PM View respondent's answers
Shooter / Driving /
11/10/2015 1:05 PM View respondent's answers
RPG, Sport, Action/Adventure.
11/10/2015 11:44 AM View respondent's answers
shooter, action, adventure, puzzle and all that, just not strategy or moba fuck those games
11/9/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
ye ye shooters and other stuff mate
11/9/2015 1:12 PM View respondent's answers
11/3/2015 4:03 PM View respondent's answers

would you say your a aggressive player?

11/23/2015 1:55 PM View respondent's answers
11/23/2015 1:49 PM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 3:11 PM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 10:20 AM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 10:00 AM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 3:39 PM View respondent's answers
yes, yes i bloody am!!!!!
11/10/2015 3:35 PM View respondent's answers
can be
11/10/2015 3:31 PM View respondent's answers
Sometimes. I'm partial to a little revenge every now and then.
11/10/2015 1:05 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 11:44 AM View respondent's answers
Depends if there are hackers or not
11/9/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
Not really no
11/9/2015 1:12 PM View respondent's answers
11/3/2015 4:03 PM View respondent's answers

have you played a game higher then your age range if so explain why ?



do you rather violent games rather then calming ? please explain

Sometimes, helps with frustration, but sometimes makes it worse.
11/23/2015 1:55 PM View respondent's answers
dont matter
11/23/2015 1:49 PM View respondent's answers
Mixed, I like violence when its needed and suits the context of the game's story.
11/17/2015 3:11 PM View respondent's answers
calming - no stress just fun, how games should be.
11/17/2015 10:20 AM View respondent's answers
no preference
11/17/2015 10:00 AM View respondent's answers
no. I like all games alike
11/10/2015 3:39 PM View respondent's answers
do you rather grammar than be retard???? hurr durrr
11/10/2015 3:35 PM View respondent's answers
umm i like both cause sometimes its nice to play a chilling game
11/10/2015 3:31 PM View respondent's answers
I play both violent and relaxing games regularly.
11/10/2015 1:05 PM View respondent's answers
Violent games generally have better story lines and are interesting.
11/10/2015 11:44 AM View respondent's answers
Learn proper English mate. Violence is pretty good though.
11/9/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
not really
11/9/2015 1:12 PM View respondent's answers
It depends on what mood I'm in.
11/3/2015 4:03 PM View respondent's answers

how do you feel playing games 

11/23/2015 1:55 PM View respondent's answers
11/23/2015 1:49 PM View respondent's answers
Depends on the game
11/17/2015 3:11 PM View respondent's answers
Greatest thing in the world.
11/17/2015 10:20 AM View respondent's answers
no preference e
11/17/2015 10:00 AM View respondent's answers
i feel happy and upset/angry. But to be honest i feel nothing becasue i'm filled with anger and rage from the satan himself, just like your mother is filled with 8inch black dildos
11/10/2015 3:39 PM View respondent's answers
what are these questions!?!?!?!?!?! finish the fucking question!!! you fucktard.
11/10/2015 3:35 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 3:31 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 1:05 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2015 11:44 AM View respondent's answers
11/9/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
11/9/2015 1:12 PM View respondent's answers
Stops me from getting bored.
11/3/2015 4:03 PM View respondent's answers

on a scale from 1-10 how stressed do you get playing games?











had a scene shocked you in a game due to violence?

11/23/2015 1:55 PM View respondent's answers
11/23/2015 1:49 PM View respondent's answers
Yes but not in terms of gruesome but in terms of straight up weird and illegal
11/17/2015 3:11 PM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 10:20 AM View respondent's answers
11/17/2015 10:00 AM View respondent's answers
no.. don't you remember... im satan motherfucker
11/10/2015 3:39 PM View respondent's answers
yea the one where i saw you online... you fuckboi
11/10/2015 3:35 PM View respondent's answers
the second time i played the GTA v torture scene
11/10/2015 3:31 PM View respondent's answers
Yes - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
11/10/2015 1:05 PM View respondent's answers
No scene has shocked me before
11/10/2015 11:44 AM View respondent's answers
No lol I like people getting raped and fucking chopped to pieces
11/9/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
Not really no
11/9/2015 1:12 PM View respondent's answers
11/3/2015 4:03 PM View respondent's answers

Violent videogames cause of trouble or just bad luck.

Since the start of video games they have slowly became more and more realistic creating horrifying worlds of death or sweet lands of happiness, in this article we will be looking at our viloant friends, we took a survey and out all out testers 70% of them played a 18+ rates game before their 18th this is quite a common thing to see in this day and age but there are still ratings anyway , the creation of an age rating seems more for the people in charge to use games as a scapegoat with their lies, like i was saying at the start, games have developed to the point we have games like call of duty or cod a first person shooter game created to give you the feeling of being a soldier in a war zone having to kill many other people , so like in the past with movies people saw new violent 'children' start to appear and linked it to gaming making up lies and making it look like games were bad and a horrid thing, we asked our testers a mother question, do the games your play make you more violent all said no to this question to back this up some research was used to look into this and it seems that playing violent games are not the cause of violence but it simply dulls your senses to it this I would think it more of a good thing, now you reading now, I bet you play 18+ violent games and I know you're not or have never been violent due to games, except maybe that one little kid online by just simply being disrespectful, as we look deeper into this you can see that video games are not affecting us well not in a bad way, with other research we looked into we found that gaming actually helps us it can help with multitasking and keep you focuses and in some cases improve patience, now how is all that bad, we can without realising it learn from video games and become better people and do better jobs , you see some sergeants train with a simulator and not that rip off game surgeon simulator, these people train their skill and learn from these games so why do we all do it it's not like we can't is it? The world we are creating with these games creates a audacity for entertainment , making competitions and more to keep everyone happy, games like Starcraft a games that's a real time stratagem help you think tactical and improve your thought processing, helping your think of new ways to win in a war zone in this unrealistic world, now you have read this do you think that our games are the cause of violent behaviour ? I believe not it's simply a means to evolve in a digital sense rather than physical.