Wednesday 19 November 2014

Responsible by law; legally answerable: the credit-card company is liable for any breach of contract
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responsible, legally responsible, accountable, answerable, chargeable, blameworthy, at fault, culpable, subject, guilty, faulty, censurable

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1.1 (liable to) Subject by law to: non-resident trustees are liable to the basic rate of tax
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2 [with infinitive] Likely to do or to be something: patients were liable to faint if they stood up too suddenly
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  • Basic cable service is liable to cost hundreds of dollars per year.
  • This area is now open ground liable to be overtaken by weeds and wattles.
  • Some are clearly panicked by the experience and liable to rush their ascent.
likely, inclined, tending, disposed, apt, predisposed, prone, given

informal on the cards

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2.1 (liable to) Likely to experience (something undesirable): areas liable to flooding

1. (Law) law
a. the publication of defamatory matter in permanent form, as by a written or printed statement, picture, etc
b. the act of publishing such matter
2. any defamatory or unflattering representation or statement
3. (Law) ecclesiastical law a claimant's written statement of claim
4. (Law) Scots law the formal statement of a charge
vb (tr) , -bels, -belling or -belled, -bels, -beling or -beled
5. (Law) law to make or publish a defamatory statement or representation about (a person)
6. to misrepresent injuriously
7. (Law) ecclesiastical law to bring an action against (a person) in the ecclesiastical courts

The legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.

how women are depicted in games.
as shown in the images below females are shown near normally 1 out of 10 of the time and the other 9 times the female will have big breasts and a big butt and is made to pull the male gamer because they are exagirated beautiful and 'sexy' to give some gamers 'fan service'.

Tom: Composition is about the arrangement of the visual elements like the structure of the art of picture

Ell: typography is the art, technique or layout of arranging text to make it more appealing. Size of the font, font style or artistic style of  

Ryan: Image optimization is when an image is compressed to the most visually acceptable, image for saving memory.The power of two is when the width and height of a image is at the same value.These values are import to make sure when 3D MODELING textures fit and render properly. When the size of a texture is stretched to fit a model by the program this is called interpolation.  

thumb nail sketches
Thumbnail sketches are drawing quick, abbreviated drawings. Usually, they are done very rapidly and with no corrections - you can use any medium, though pen or pencil is the most common. Thumbnails sketches are usually very small, often only an inch or two high.

the audience is the people we are aiming the game at for example a 2D game like sonic the hedgehog would be aimed and 7+ and then the designers will build the game around the set age of the audience and set the game up so it is staged so a person in that audience can understand it.

What are computer game graphics

What are computer game graphics

Computer graphics are the art, style and theme that is used in different games for backgrounds, objects, characters, scenes and anything else that is seen by the player. There are lots of different art styles for computer graphics for example, military style games like call of duty and battlefield uses this style,Photo realism is also used by simulators and other games to make the game look as realistic as they can and text based game only use pixelated pictures and are mostly text.

A 2 dimension game is flat on the screen or monitor and player is limited to moving left, right, up and down, the player cannot move front or back. 2D sprites can be made in Photoshop and are fairly easy to make they are made up of pixels and depending on how many pixel make up the character the smoother and more detailed they can be. A 3 Dimension game are more time consuming and harder to make however the results and the graphics are far superior to 2d. 3d characters can be made in a number of software like blender. Depending on how detailed you want your character the more time it will take. Heads up display or HUD is used in lot of games, a HUD shows the player all the stats on screen that may prove relevant for him/her e.g. heath, shield, ammo, level, map, objectives and other players.
Texture are used to add detail and realism to the environment , objects or characters and are one of he most import steps in game development. Texture mapping is an application in digital graphics. Text graphics is the font and style the text is used in the game. Different fonts and colors can change the way text and objectives look. Game packaging textures are how the packaging and case for the game looks, this is useful for advertisement and appeal to increase sales

Raster images are made up of pixels and also know as bitmap images and Vector images are made up of paths and are also called esp files. Vector images use points / paths and create an image when all of these are connected together. Vector images offer higher resolution and look smoother and cleaner at all resolutions. Raster images look better at larger resolution compared to lower resolutions, but if the raster image is zoomed in its is easy to see individual pixels and colours in the images. Vector images are better suited for images like logos because at any size or resolution the image is smooth and clean. Raster images are used for digital photos and game textures as they render faster and look good. Lots of software allows for images to be edited, Photoshop is is used a lot to edit, change images from vector to to raster and the other way around.

There are lots of different types of image capture, from taking a picture with a phone or digital camera downloading a picture or image of the internet or scanning a image into a computer. In game development being able to have a real life picture of a building or object can be useful for development. Picture of buildings and landscapes can be used to design environments for the game you are developing. Using usb cables and sd cards from digital cameras and phones makes transferring images easy and quick. Pictures like brick walls or plaster can be used to add texture to buildings and environment in your game by overlaying the image over the image of the object or building, this adds realistic detail and texture.


Wednesday 29 October 2014

unit 78
Identify finance available
I have round about £2000 available to continue on my work to make my game and this effects my products avaliable and helps me with the creation of my game.
Identify personnel needed and whether they 
are available
I will not need personal for this for i shell be working alone other wise I would need a programmer concept artist and a lead moddler to help me in the creation of my game and complete it smoothly.

Identify resources available and book where necessary
resources that are available are game maker adobe Photoshop and paint plus more and we have a full video library we can use and book resources in the library.

Prepare budget
if i had a crew i would split the budget between the team and the resources we need like in contracts i would place cost's., this also involves 
Contract personnel
I will have no contracted personal in this job for I will be doing alll the work my self where is i was i would be hiring concept artists and programmers and texture artists to help in the making of my game.
Prepare schedule

Identify any Health and Safety concerns
health ans safety will include making sure the team is fit and healthy meaning good meals around and also that they are in shape so they do not get strains and impairments and also that they are sat right at the computers and that they are in a good rate in the operation.
Identify legal aspects
the leagel aspects will be keeping to our bound contracts and out briefs so we do not fall behind and to make sure all prgi ratings are looked at and seen for the game made and we meet out set path
Identify any other risks to your project
other problems mat link to things like dedlines not being meet and projects falling behind and the project loseing funding alll the risks of these problems will be looked in to so if it dose happen we have a plan on how to cope with it